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Symptoms of Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is an infection caused by a spirchete bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), which can cause a constellation of symptoms.

• Symptoms of Lyme can include lack of energy to crushing fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, sleep problems

• Lyme neurological problems can include brain fog, vision disturbances, headaches, memory loss

• Symptoms may be unexplained, especially if you were not aware of a tick bite. An acute infection comes on suddenly, similar to flu symptoms and a tick bite or bulls eye rash may or may not be seen.

• Lyme Disease can range from a sudden acute Lyme infection to a slow erosion of health from persistent Lyme Disease.

• A persistent or chronic Lyme infection or “Lyme presence” may result from prior exposure and may present as a general decline in health or persistent health problems of unknown cause, or may exhibit as a set of brand new symptoms, which can be mild or severe.

There are at least 5 subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi, over 100 strains in the US, and 300 strains worldwide. This diversity is thought to contribute to the antigenic variability of the spirochete to evade being picked up on Lyme testing, evade the immune system and antibiotic therapy, leading to chronic infection. Furthermore, a person with Lyme disease may be co-infected with other organisms and co-infections often require different antibiotic therapy compared to Lyme Disease.

Integrative Treatment of Lyme Disease and Co-Infections

Acute Lyme Disease infection responds well to aggressive antibiotic, anti protozoal therapy. There is no universally accepted treatment. During chronic or persistent Lyme infection, the organism burrows deep into tissues that some antibiotics can reach only marginally. This is but one of many reasons why a two-to-four week treatment cannot eliminate chronic infection. The two most common reasons people do not respond to Lyme Disease treatment are untreated co-infections and/or the presence of heavy metals in the body.

The consensus opinion of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) and many other healthcare professionals is that an individualized treatment approach is necessary based on clinical judgment.

• Reduce the Lyme Disease and Microbial Burden on the Body

• Support the Immune System

A logical way to approach Lyme Disease treatment is to reduce the microbial burden in the body- clear it out- and restore immune function, thus restoring healthy balance again. The Lyme burden may be cleared out of the body with antibiotics and/or herbal supplements. Immune system support is key to health and healing.

Multi-Faceted, Integrative Medical Treatment for Insect Borne Illnesses like Lyme Disease

There is no universally accepted treatment. During chronic infection the organism burrows deep into tissues that some antibiotics can reach only marginally. This is but one of many reasons why a two-to-four week treatment cannot eliminate chronic infection. The consensus opinion of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) and many other healthcare professionals is that an individualized treatment approach is necessary based on clinical judgment.

We find that no one treatment option works best for everyone and the Lyme Disease treatment plan must be customized based on history, physical exam and symptoms. We participate in the following communities for the most up to date Lyme Disease information: ILADS, Burrascano, Buhner, Klinghardt.

MidAtlantic’s Lyme-literate practitiioners have received additional education and training specifically for insect borne illness (like Lyme Disease) and will treat based on your history and symptoms using a multi-faceted holistic approach for the best outcome.

Lab Testing for Lyme Disease

We use the most reliable and up to date Lyme Disease and co-infection lab tests available including traditional lab testing, Lab Corp, Quest, Igenex, Western Blot, CD57, Urine test and other tests as needed. 

Of the many patients with acute culture-proven Lyme disease, 20–30% remain seronegative on serial Western Blot sampling. Antibody titers also appear to decline over time; thus while the Western Blot may remain positive for months, it may not always be sensitive enough to detect chronic infection with the Lyme spirochetes.

Exercise: This is very important to stimulate overalll health and wellness. So move your body every day even if its just a walk around the block. Exercise improves immune function lymph flow and natural detoxification.

Diet: We all are unique finding the best diet for you, free of food allergies and of course limiting processed, GMO, and high sugar foods is a step in the right direction. Learning optimal ways to prepare you food to maximize the nutrition can be helpful too.

Hydration: Optimal water intake, and its quality is a very important part of the lifestyles changes.

Mind-Body: Stress management, mindfulness/meditation, prayer, Traditional Chinese Medicine practices of Ti Chi and Qi Gong are some of the positive therapies that are very helpful.


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Sue & Vinny Buscemi Practice Inspiration

Sue has been been a firm believer and advocate nutrition wellness for as long as she can remember. Greatly influenced by her devoted mother a Nurse whose insight and common sense were way ahead of her time. Sue inherited her mother's determination to help people get well after her personal heath challenges as a young mother. Her passion has influenced another generation as her sons' Nic a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist, Andrew (DO) Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and 2 amazing health conscious daughters who have embraced a more holistic lifestyle for themselves and their families. She continues to study nutrition, public speaking and providing wellness information on the subject. Vinny continues to support and inspire his family from heaven. 

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